Ticked Off About Rashes?

Ticked Off About Rashes?

While outdoor activities are fun, it's important to keep in mind there are various types of disease-carrying insects out just waiting for something (or someone) to pass by them to latch onto. One of these insects is, of course, the tick. Not every tick causes the same type of rash, as not all of them carry the same diseases. Here are the different types of rashes that can be caused by tick bites, as well as the diseases they can possibly be symptoms of:

Spotted Rash:  This rash appears in about 35-60% of cases of Rocky Mountain fever. As its name suggests, it is a series of spots that appear on the affected person’s body. Though the location of the spots varies from person to person, it is most common for them to start appearing on the wrists, forearms, and ankles. The spots are not usually itchy, but they are often accompanied by a fever. This rash is caused by the Rocky Mountain tick.

Bull’s Eye Rash: This rash is characterized by its round, bull’s eye-like appearance. The rash starts at the site of the tick bite and is characteristic of both Lyme disease and Southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI). The rash occurs in 70-80% of patients, and isn’t often itchy or painful, though symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, fever, and muscle pain are common. This rash is generally caused by deer ticks, brown dog ticks, and Lone Star ticks.

Skin Ulcer:  This rash is an open wound on the skin, located at the bite site. It is a sign of the disease tularemia. These ulcers are often accompanied by swollen lymph glands (usually in the armpit or groin area). This disease is carried by dog ticks, wood ticks, and Lone Star ticks

Even if you or your family members don’t venture out into the great outdoors, it is still possible to encounter ticks, especially if you have outdoor animals. It is important to check yourself regularly after interacting with your pets to make sure that you haven’t picked up any ticks they may have been carrying.

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of these rashes, go to one of our HealthCARE Express locations immediately, as many of these rashes are symptoms of potentially life-threatening disease.