Kick Processed Foods

Kick Processed Foods

Skipping out on processed foods is easier said than done. Grocery markets are flooded with them! While some processing is necessary for some foods, like the bacteria-killing pasteurization process for milk, others add in chemicals and other hard to read ingredients to prolong shelf-life. While processed foods are bad for everyone, they can be especially dangerous for those with an increased risk of diabetes.

Skip out on those cheap supermarket meats, ready meals in the freezer section, white grains and bread, margarine, and snack cakes. These foods are often processed to make them last longer on the shelf and in your home. They’re also more likely to be higher in fat and salt content. Even those with labels that say “reduced-fat” or “reduced sodium” aren’t great for you since they’re often packed with other artificial ingredients to make the food taste good.  

If you’re at risk of developing diabetes, focus on eating whole foods or those that have gone through minimal amounts of processing. Many pre-cut fruits and vegetables found in the freezer section have gone through some processing, but they have had very little added to them (or taken away) and are still healthy for you! 

Be sure to read those food labels! Put down anything that has ingredients listed that are hard to pronounce or say, because odds are, they aren’t good for you.